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Shiny Bike Night 2024

Thanks to Mandy & Laurence for the music/PA. The raffle raised £140.00 for Cancer Research.





Shiny Bike Night 2023


We had great weather yet again & I think we had one of the best nights we've had. There were more classic bikes than ever filling all the available spaces outside the pub. Thanks to Mandy & Laurence for the music/PA & some of the photos. Laurence also won the " then I laid it down" trophy for throwing someone elses BMW away while on holiday. Dermots competing event probably did us a favour & took a few modern bikes, otherwise we could easily been overcrowded.
Marek, Steve & Mark helped with the raffle & after the trophy costs we have donated £163.00 to Cancer Research.







Best Clubmembers. Geoff Booker   This Hurricane was the 2nd place winner, but had left before the awards were handed out, so if the owner would like to contact us, we've got a trophy for him.
    The Guzzi single in the background won 3rd place
Best in Show Winning road going Manx Norton, previously raced in the Isle of Man owned by John Wittey   Winner Best Modern, Mark Hastings
Both these Nortons were worthy of a special mention, an immaculate Mk3 Interstate & a very well done Norton rotary with a Commando Interstate tank & seat.
    Becky Hastings 400/4





Shiny Bike Night 2022

This year we had excellent weather again & even more bikes than last time. The car park was full & once they'd got in there was no room to turn round - what fun. Some photos in no particular order, the blurry ones are mine the rest Sues.

And the winners were:

1st place Peter Bullard Vincent Black Shadow OKH 303

Runner up, Terry Goodall AJS KYK59D

Third Triumph Daytona CVG520F

Fourth Triumph DXE 58C

Best Clubmembers, Mareks Triumph Trident XHJ 364N





Shiny Bike Night 2021

We just squeezed in on the first Wednesday after Boris removed most of the Covid restrictions - we had excellent weather & nearly the largest turn out we've ever had. Dermot & Sue organised, once again provided the excellent sound system, & Dermot made some very good trophies.

More photos to follow. My camera's bust & 'we' lost the lead to my wifes, so apart from some good shots from other clubmembers I've had to scrounge some from Facebook & the camera skills leave a bit to be desired. If anyone has any other shots please mail them to me.

    If he'd have come earlier he'd have wone something - Lovely Norvin
    The last two standing
Best in Show, Molnar Manx in a Wideline Featherbed    


And the winners were:

Best Custom, Richard - Triumph Bobber

Best Modern, Mark Scott - Harley


3rd Place Terry - Scott

Runner Up - Pete Bullard Ducati 750

Best in Show - John Chatto Norton Manx

Best Clubmenbers - Mark Tobias Tri. Thunderbird

So then I laid it down - Mark Lomas




Shiny Bike Night 2019


Despite the positively wettest June ever, we once again ran the Shiny Bike Night. It finally stopped raining about 5.00 PM, but it still scared off most visitors. Numbers were down massively, probably less than half the classics of last year & only about 10% of the moderns bothered to turn up. Never mind, we had a good time. The (mostly blurred) photos are mine, the rest I pinched from the web. Thanks again to Dermot & Sue.

Marks latest, what?   Best in Show Winner above
Best Modern Winner    
Amusing man with 3 glasses on his head?    

The winners were:

Pre 1963 John Redman AJS

Post 1963 Mike Kowalczuk Velo

Post 1972 Nick Davey T140

Best Modern Nolan Hemmings BMW

Best in Show Roy Springate AJS

Best Clubmembers Dermots Triton.

And then I laid it down went to Brendan for messing up his Honda & his leg.


Shiny Bike Night 2018

Our stand-in Manager, Steve, booked an attractive young female singer to entertain us after the prize giving. This worked surprisingly well, as well as a tea/coffee stall which kept the queues down at the bar though I'm not too sure that the iced cream van was too sucessful. Anyway, the sun shone & beer was drunk & the world was grumbled about & we can call it another sucessful evening. Thanks to Dermot & Kevin & anyone else who helped out.

A few photos here, in no particular order. Some are mine, some pinched from the web.




And the winners were:

Pre 1963, Phil Castle - Douglas.

Pre 1972 A BSA Spitfire, the owner was too shy to collect his prize.

Post 1972, Honda 550 - Len Timberlake. Best modern, Norton Dominator (the Brooklands variety) Ian Timberlake

Best in Show, Laverda Jota 120 Croperdy Liberator - Mark Hastings

Best Clubmembers, Martins A10.

And Then I Laid it Down, Steve Wilson


Shiny Bike Night 2017

This year Shiny Bike Night was on the hottest day of the year so far, 34 Degrees, magic it was. Some photos in no particular order    


Peter Bullard won the Pre '63, Brough.

Post '63 Phil Speed, Commando.

Post 72 Patrick Puxley, Jota.

Best in show Steve Boakes for the amazing Vee Twin Velo above.

"....And then I laid it down" had to go to Mick for his amazing contribution below


An event for Mick & Dan




Shiny Bike Night 2016

It rained in the morning & it rained in the night, but we were smiled on again & revelled under blue skies.

Dermot again arranged the raffle, prizes & the sound system, Kevin did traffic control, Jim judged the prizes, Martin designed & printed the flyers, I did the advertising & sounded stupid on the PA.

The excellent music was provided by Dermots mate whose name I can't remember.

Tiddler donated a free MOT to the raffle & Steve gave a meal for two at the Plough & probably made a lot of money, then sold the pub & buggered off.

Post '75 winner Richard Boshier
Pre '63 winner W.F.Rand   Pre '75 winner Graham Edwards
Best in show winner Paul Rutter    
  Marek won the Best Club members Trophy & Dan was awarded the 'Then I laid it Down' trophy for throwing his BMW away
The only car we let in


Shiny Bike Night 2015

Early arrivals   Terry with another G12
Early Brough   Best in Show winning Brough
Prize winning Hurricane, pre '72   Prize winning Jota, post '72
Johns Prize winning Interceptor Mk 1   Not many cars got out of here easily
Kevin directing traffic   Prince & Rapide
Indian 4 arrived after the prizegiving   Prize winning Husqvana, pre '62



A few photos from Shiny Bike Night 2014

Neils 'Discomatic' (See 2012 Shiny Bike Night below) gave us Rock 'n Roll background music for this years event.

Sunshine, good beer, classic bikes & good music - an ideal way to spend an evening.


  Dermot & Atlas
Johns recently built Interceptor Brendans Honda
Terrys G12 Roy & his 850 Commando
  The winning Triumph

The winners were

Pre 1963 Clive Pittram Tri. Trpohy
Pre 1975 Marek Ziolkowski T150T
Post 1975 Grant Kelly 350LC
Best in show Richard Vinee Triumph Bobber
Best Clubmembers bike Adrian Mancha Goldie 500

Shiny Bike Night 2013


And the winners were

Best Post '62   Best Post '72
Best Pre '72  
Best in show. Stuarts (just finished) MHR


Some Photos from Sue & Dermots wedding day




2012 Shiny Bike Night

This year we had music. Neil brought along a portable juke box with 45s playing a great selection Rock 'n Roll

A gaggle of Quackers
Three Vees - The middle one's a Morini
Italian beauty didn't stay long enough to collect a prize

Neils portable juke box -The Discomatic. Made in Switzerland in the 1961

It cost 69 Guineas new, which was a tidy sum back then.

Great fish


And the winners were....
Beautiful Indian won best Pre - '63
Best in show was this Bridgestone 350
This Z1 took best Post 1972 Brendans Honda won best club members

2011 Shiny Bike Night

And the winners were....
First time a Jap. has won top honours, very good it was too. They'll never catch on though.   Pre '72. An Enfield for the second yr. in sucession
Post '72   This bike would have won something but rode off too early for the second year in sucession. We'll get him next year
Laurence won best club members.   And as the sun sinks slowly in the west, we say .......


2011 Dragon Rally, Beddgelert

How did you talk me into this?  
Just smile, he might be taking the photo  
....of course there was mud. Give us a kiss you handsome red eyed devil
Not again...  

2010 Dragon Rally, Tal-y-Bont

"We're definately not there"..... "See, I told you"

Triton OC Rally

Le Mans France Sept 2010

Sept. 2010 Dermot & Goffy went to the Triton OC rally near Le Mans

Dermot looking cool, the attractive blond female owner looked much cooler.

On route at La Hutte - pronounced Loot. (?)

Isle of Wight Sept. 2010

This used to be a British Bike rally, but they let anything in now, even Harleys.
Did it spark...?   Martin. No 'clean' comments come to mind.
Did it pump.......?   Pissed, Moi?
The girl on the table was a hit from last year   Luxury transport from India

Shiny Bike Night 2010


Once again organised by Dermot, we were gratefully blessed with a lovely warm summers evening.

This brought just the right amount of interesting bikes to look at with room to walk around.

A jack plug incompatibility problem stifled any hope of music, but nevermind, eh.

Wayne won Best Pre 1962
Best Pre 72

Post 72

Where's the Best in Show & the Best Clubmembers bike?



Isle of Wight 2009


Summer 2009 we carried the attack to The Isle of Wight for the British Bike Rally. This photo featured in real Classics as part of the Norton Challange.

If you can't quite make it out but the sign says NORTON GREEN. Pity the Commandos are black.

  Goffy recovering after breakfast. The local petrol washed the 15 yr. old paint off the tank & can just be seen running down the side.

Classic Bike and Rock 'n

Roll day

Unfortunately the pub in Prestwood changed hands 2007, present owners aren't interested so that was that.


In August we held The Classic Bike and Rock 'n Roll day at The Green Man in Prestwood nr. Great Missenden. Profits from this day were donated to Cancer research.

The Green Man has a large car park and garden and we can squeeze in a couple of hundred bikes. All the rest have to park on the verges, up the road and wherever they can. Music is provided by Fifties Flash a professional R 'n R DJ with an excellent sound system, a great music collection and vast knowledge of the era. We have best bike trophies in six categories which are voted for by the visitors. We have a raffle and the proceeds go to Cancer research.

This photo was taken early, before the crowds arrived.



Bright and sunny as usual, this years Rock and Roll day was the usual mixture of good music, great bikes and a couple of beers. More people than last year enjoyed our event and I think everyone had a good time, except perhaps the landlady Chris who was as miserable as sin despite having what was probably her highest days takings of the year.

Howard to the left with his immaculate Morgan which he rebuilt himself from rusty and rotten pieces.


And there he is, the star of the show, Keith AKA Fifties Flash. Always plays the music too loud, but it's damn good stuff.

This year we raised £330 for Cancer research




For this years event we managed once again to provide beautiful sunny weather and this must rate as the best show so far. Our new hosts Chris and Ron managed to serve the largest crowd so far with refreshments despite being short handed. Bikes were parked all along the road, on the pavement everywhere. Great to see so many people that like old bikes and Rock ' Roll.

From the left, Goffy, Korina, Kevin, Graham with the best single, and Mick . Just appearing over Grahams shoulder is his partner Jane.



Shiny bike night


June has seen the Shiny bike and Rock 'n Roll night at The Plough. This is on a Saturday night and we have room for camping in the pub garden so we can have a few beers. Fifties Flash again provides the music and atmosphere. The road outside the pub is full and the car park is jammed. If you come early you'll have to stay late 'cos you won't get out. Again there are voted for trophies and a raffle in aid of Cancer research.

To the right are some early arrivals




The Commando/Featherbed special that won one of the Best in Show trophies. The bike is owned and built by Leslie Hutley. This was featured in Roadholder, the Norton Owners Club newsletter & shown here decorated with a barmaid.


France 2006

May 2006 six of us went to the Coup de Moto Legends at Dijon in France

  All hotels should be like this. Somewhere in France on the way down it P----d down and a kind hotelier let us put our bikes in his spare room. He even let a Harley in as well.
About to set off from a Campanile hotel, waiting for Dermot as usual.  

"Why doesn't it go Kev"

"Dunno Goffy"

The offending magneto, fearing the worst Kev had taken a spare. Amazingly it started 1st kick.  
  Somewhere in France


Spain Sept 2005

Our last visit to Colombres impressed the locals so much that we felt obliged to do a return trip in 2005

  We sailed from Plymouth to Santandar this year as it means only 1 night on the boat and being lazy had an overnight stop midway.. This is a coffee stop part way down on the second day.
The bikes parked up outside the hotel soon after arrival. Same hotel as last year, friendly, quiet and comfortable.  
These are some of the bikes on one of the mountain runs where we stopped for lunch. Several hundred on each run.  
  Different run, different lunchstop. All these runs took us around the Picos mountains where the scenary and views are exceptional. Very little traffic, apart from a herd of cattle (complete with cow bells) which stopped us for a few minutes.
Three of us took Commandos. One broken clutch cable, one broken tax disc holder and one handlebar mirror came loose. I mostly think we've got the hang of building these things now.  
  "What was that funny noise"?

A giant Paella with bread and wine provided lunch on one of the days on the green in the middle of the town.

Spanish boy with a neat trick of a giant spoon through his neck.



Spain Sept 2003

Late September 2003, 13 of us went to the Moto-Piston rally in a small town in northern Spain called Colombres.

The Moto-piston club books all the hotels in the town and for about £125.00 you get accomodation, a couple of evening meals, snacks and beer on the runs an a excellant weekend. The runs and overall organisation was faultless.

To the right is the hotel where we stayed just outside town.

  On one of the runs that stopped overlooking the sea. In the foreground, our Commandos that ran faultlessly, apart from my two breakdowns.
Outside the Hotel where the prizegiving was held and the moto-piston club treated us to an excellent meal, with an interloper from the TR30C far left.  
  Getting in some early evening practice for the night ahead at a delightful little bar come shop not far from our hotel.
  A giant Paella cooked in the town square on the Sunday afternoon - free to all the participients. They can't be seen but all the 300 odd bikes from the run were parked around the square for the prize judging.


Brendans Run


Every June we had a weekend away organised by one of our elder statesmen Brendan. 2005 was Folkestone 2004 was Baskerville Hall, 2003 was Swaffam, 2001 Arundel, and we've done various trips to Wales and the coast.

This is a rare photo of Brendan obviously enjoying the potential of another soaking on the return journey fron Arundel 2001.

Our heroes about to board HMS something or other in Portsmouth Submarine museum June 2002.  
  Having survived the submarine here we are at the seaside in Littlehampton, and what a handsome bunch we are.
On a run from Baskerville Hall June 2004   Flowery shirts are in fashion this year
Battle of Britaim memorial, on the return from Folkestone June 2005  

Relaxing at The Smuggler in Folkstone. A small section of Johns shirt is safe to print here, far right. This was a good bikers pub back then - I visited again in 2009 & it had been 'done up' & by 9.00 pm was full of drunks dancing & falling over to disco music. Very sad.




The Rideouts



During April - September we have local runs to places or events of interest. During the last year we've visited the Popham aerodrome fly-in, Langlebury fete where there was a display of old vehicles, Prestwood steam rally where we had our own marquee, The Cellar bar in Windsor reunion, and the Aston Clinton vintage vehicle rally.

This is the first ride out of the year to Whitewebbs motor museum.

Rockers Reunion

Every January we organise a coach trip to The Rockers Reunion annual dance and p--s up. This event is now staged at Reading in Berkshire after being staged in London for 14 years. This year topping the bill was the Johnny Burnette Rock ' Roll Trio, along with Crazy Cavan & the Rythm Rockers, Darrel Higham & the Enforcers. The bar is open from 5.00PM till 1.00AM, hence the coach, on which club members naturally travel free.

Shown here, our treasurer Kevin amusing Roger, our local baker.


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